Sample addresses and payment instruments

Sample shipping addresses and payment instruments have been added in the Sandbox environment to enable development and debugging of AddressBook and Wallet widget information.

Sample default shipping addresses

Susie Smith
10 Ditka Ave
Suite 2500
Chicago, IL 60602
United States
Phone: 800-000-0000

Jane Doe
419 King's Road
Chelsea, London SW3 4ND
United Kingdom
Phone: 800-000-0000

Tom Thompson
Happy Happy Toys
45 Big Apple Way
New York, NY 10016
United States
Phone: 800-000-0000

Mary Jones
4409 Main St.
Topeka, KS 66615
United States
Phone: 800-000-0000

Jack Smith
83034 Terry Ave
Seattle, WA 98121
United States
Phone: 800-000-0000

Sample default payment instruments

Sample default test payment instruments are shown below. The test payment instruments work like actual credit cards, except that they work only in the Sandbox environment and no funds are actually authorized or captured. The payment instrument is rendered in the Wallet widget.






You can simulate declined authorizations by using one of these preconfigured cards in the Sandbox environment. You can't simulate the ProcessingFailure error.

Testing addresses with non-Latin-1 characters

To check if your Amazon Pay integration supports non-Latin-1 characters, create a test account and add sample customer addresses with non-Latin-1 characters.

  1. Open Seller Central, select Amazon Pay (Sandbox) from the Marketplace Switcher drop-down box, click Integration, and then Create a new test account. For details, see Setting up an Amazon Pay Sandbox test account.
  2. Select a customer address with non-Latin-1 characters or add a new one.
  3. To save your settings, click Create account. Your test account is created.
  4. Enable your Amazon Pay integration in Sandbox mode.
  5. Log in to your website with the Sandbox test account you just created.
  6. Place an order using one of the sample customer addresses with non-Latin-1 characters.
  7. Validate your system against the non-Latin-1 characters. Testing might include systems such as
    • Webserver
    • ERP system
    • Databases
    • Logistic systems